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Showing posts from May, 2005

Single Sign ons

Suddenly struck me.....Are'nt single sign ons becoming popular? First it was Microsoft with their Passport. Now google suddenly seems to be moving towards it. If you dont know what i mean check their, personalized google , Search History , and Gmail . You can use the same gmail account on all three. Wonder when i will be able to associate my blog with gmail and orkut also. Anyway i became an MCP yesterday, in ASP.NET using C#. So i can officially charge more. HAHA. I know atleast one company whom it does not make any difference. Ya, that i work there.

My first problem with AJAX

I was using Callback (AJAX) to retrieve a page i had developed . Lets start all over, I was using AJAX to retrieve a part of the contents of a web page. Cool, simple, it downloaded without a pain, then I innerHTMLed it to a span tag. Worked fine, successful, clapped my hands etc.etc. Clicked on the button which had seemed to appear out of nowhere. And then, it all fell apart. The feared exclamatory symbol appeared on the status bar.... And for the newbies, thats an indication of a JavaScript error in IE. Of course, as usual i was all curses at my IE window......Anyway to make a long story short (i AM quite sleepy u know). the scripts which i seemed to be innerHTMLing to the span tag are not executed. And what i mean is anything between the script tags which have been innerHTMLed to that span tag are not executed. Of course i can see a ray of hope in the distance. I mean the distance till tomorrow morning. And just for kicks, check out a hi-fundoo flash file titled EPIC 2004 . And for

Just Thinking....

Think.... A web service (or maybe just a ASP page) renders and serves an XML generated based on the inputs passed to it. A web browser picks it up, uses XSLT to transform it into a lovely page. And what do you get, an application which does not waste too much time on the server. Do not speak, just think.....Does nt your mind do a full revolution??? Anyway my friend really sparked that idea, said he has seen it implemented somewhere. But it was scrapped, cos of the sheer volume. (i dont wonder what he is talking about). Just as an afterthought i do wonder how long will Gmail function. (wont it be complicated using XmlHTTPRequest all over your page).


Was browsing the net, and found some old link to BOFH. Not sure as to how many used to read PCQuest some time back when it used to come, but i remember reading them, with of course re-reads and re-re,etc...i can go on you know. Anyway, it's about a system operator who is bugged by no-brainers asking silly computer related queries, and this guy repling with wierd answers. I had never known the origin of this character, until i saw this . Anyway for those who have never read BOFH, here are two of them.

Me...nostalgic???? Sounds impossible right?

Me, victimized. And i had always assumed that i have no chances of remembering that place which everyone used to call "Engg. College". Guess i am human cos i had this sudden rememberance, of college. or to be more exact, the time in college. Hm, <day-dreaming> . The fun we had, the various ways in which i screwed up my life, etc. etc. And you know what, I would'nt mind going thru it all over again. (as long as the studying did not come into the picture). Anyway I used to assume that MIT was the only place where you can screw up your life. That was until yesterday. Friends (highly) recommended to me the book " Five point someone -- Chetan Bhagat ". Now I realize, you can screw up even in IIT. Yup, the book's good. I even remembered our lecturers. Wont get into detail, as i don't want to mention all the negatives that i thought about. But i do still remember them. I remember all the class mates who used to screw up their life by studying day in and d