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Showing posts from December, 2005

Other Single Sign Ons?

Tried adding a comment on a friend's livejournal blog, and it gave me an option of using an OpenId. Sounded interesting and i had to go and check what it is. Yup, as the title of this post suggests, OpenId is another Single-Sign-On . Checked technorati, and their OpenId's wiki and found that there are there single sign ons also. (Check LID and its wiki ). Sounds promising considering that they have used REST principle (ya, similar to my previous post). Further they are trying to get LID and OpenId to interoperate. (project named Yadis . Good feature about LID. If you do not want to trust them with your identity, etc.etc. u can go ahead and host it on your own server. technorati tags: LID , Openid , Yadis , Single-Sign-On , REST

Flock, Flock, flocking

Till now, i had no reason to shift to a different browser. I mean, what the hell, IE does work right? And most of the web administrators do keep in mind IE, considering the number of persons using IE. So why did i have to shift? No, that does not mean i support one browser and dont want to support others. The point i am trying to make is, IE works, and i get my job done. And now comes along flock .Of course, in Firefox, i had options of downloadng plugins or writing new plug ins for myself, but should it not be part of the package. Searching for plug ins would have been a downtime. Anyway flock looks like a good add in for me. Helps me create blog posts.(This blog post is being written using Flock). Looks are REALLY goood. Have to try out all the features, but till now i still doubt whether this is a beta (looks pretty stable to me, till now atleast). technorati tags: Flock , browser war