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Showing posts from August, 2006


Yes, am back. I know it 's really been a long time since i last posted. But was having a busy time. Anyway, was just musing over the current trend, ok, lemme change that last word to "trends" of searching. On one side we are looking at tags based searching. On the other side, we see search continuing as we know it, i.e. plain text based searching, i.e. a crawler crawls the web, retrieves text, and keywords are noted in a database. Any person wanting to search any text types it, and the database retrieves the locations where that text is present. Yes, each of the above has it's own pros and cons. Major players, in the search segment seem to be going in one direction or the other (i dont think taking both up is exactly an option). And looks like pretty soon (around 1 year) down the line, a winner will be chosen, who else "the users", of course. But does that mean the other one will die, or let me word it better "Do you think that the other one is a lo